The Beginning of our Journey
Running a brick and mortar location is definitely a labor of love and it takes all hands on deck at our house, but the transition has been as smooth as I believe it could possibly be.
It is work, but it's something I enjoy so much that it doesn't feel like work.
Each and every event that we host, leaves me completely overwhelmed with gratitude at the support of our amazing community.
We had the most wonderful Teacher Appreciation Day that brought me to tears a few times. So many women who have directly impacted the lives of my girls came in and I felt so much joy "spoiling" them a little bit.
Small Business Saturday left me speechless the amount of people who took time out of their holiday weekend to stop in and say hello! The women who joined me in our space with their own businesses were all so amazing and I feel so grateful they shared their time and talents with us!
The support of "Operation Christmas Magic" has brought me to prayer so many times thanking God that He placed this idea in my life that that He gives me the opportunity to be His Hands and Feet to carry out this mission. I love that this mission also gives all of YOU the opportunity to be servants to love His people too.
So far, we have over 340 children fully sponsored to receive a little bit of Christmas magic. That number will only go up and it seems I can't get wishlists fast enough......what a wonderful problem to have.
The biggest struggle for me..........I don't know how to properly express everything I am feeling and experiencing. I know that everyone who visits our social media pages or our store don't always want to hear the mushy gushy heart of what I love about this job.......it is so hard for me to water it down sometimes. So, if you come in and I am moved to tears or if I overshare......I would say I'm sorry but the truth is, I am not.
This boutique is a reflection of my heart. It is a reflection of the call I have received. It is a reflection of who God made me. It is a reflection of the mark I hope to leave on the world......That is something I can never water down! Thank you to all the people in my life who encourage me to live that out loud.
So, in closing, there is no possible way to express how incredible this month has been and how much I am looking forward to the month of December and everything we have going on! Be sure to follow our social media for our upcoming events because we have so many wonderful things happening!
And....as always......Thank you!
Thank you for choosing us to serve you so that we can serve others in our community!
You have all blessed our lives!