To Teach........You really do touch a life forever
In school, I had some really great teachers and I had some teachers that taught me different kinds of life the type of teacher I didn't want to be.
One thing you may not know about me......I own and operate Yellow Stitch Boutique, but I also teach Preschool. My degree is in Special Education, Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education. It is perhaps one of the reasons that I love using YSB (Yellow Stitch Boutique) to help children and teachers.
I will never forget my high school English teacher. She is someone who instilled a belief in me deep in my core. I have loved to write for as long as I can remember, but she enhanced that even more. She made me love speech class....not necessarily because I loved public speaking, but because it was a way to share the words I have written.
Another random fact about me, I used to have a food blog which I shared with my girls. We would do cooking videos and we would try all sorts of recipes. While I LOVE to cook, I think that deep down I wanted to have my blog because I wanted to share my recipes in the form of stories. More simply, I think that I just really wanted to write!
When I first started YSB, I shared so much about our monthly missions and the emotional attachment I have to each mission. But through the busyness of life, I stopped doing that and just focused more on the business. The reason I started YSB wasn't just to sell clothes though and I quickly learned that the emotional attachment is what keeps me going in this business. The ability to help others that I would not be able to without this platform.
When I saw the blog section on the facelift we gave our website recently I was ecstatic and it completely rejuvenated my excitement for YSB and our upcoming missions.
I am so excited to be able to sit down and write to you all without bombarding you with spam. If you choose to read, WONDERFUL! If my style of writing is too mushy gushy.....I get it! I am extra in that category! But, I am looking forward to sharing more of me with all of you.
I have Alvina Skogen to thank for that excitement and for the love of writing she enhanced in my life. Without her requirement of short stories, poems, papers and the auto-biograpy (I still have) my love for writing would be something that simply existed and wasn't executed. She is a teacher that truly touched my life forever!
I hope that all of you were able to have a teacher like Alvina. One who believed in you. One who pushed you to be better and to set big scary goals. One who critiqued you in a way that was gentle and constructive. One who always knew just what to say. One who saw your potential, tapped into it and helped you achieve it!
If you are currently a teacher it is so amazing that you have the opportunity to do that for others every single day. I am very blessed to be part of the teacher community and I look forward to finding more ways to serve you and help you feel supported, appreciated and valued!
Just remember that when you choose to teach, you have the potential to touch a life forever!